Monday, May 16, 2011

Have you seen Megan anywhere?

It's possible that I'm going through a phase. A phase where I'm trying to "find myself."

At 23 years old, it feels like an appropriate time to scrap the way I've done things in the past and start fresh, but my question is how do I find the new path? And is there actually anything wrong with my old one?

Since I began my search a few weeks ago all I have successfully found is a pulled groin muscle (courtesy of my new dedicated workout routine), some weird tan lines (also courtesy of exercise) and quite a lot of things in my life that I want to question.

That's precisely how I pulled my groin muscle. Overextension = Having a pimp walk.

There is nothing wrong with questions, except when you're not sure of the answers.

Here are a few things I've been pondering on my journey:
  • Everyone says I'm nice, but am I really?
  • Am I passive-aggressive but don't realize it?
  • Do I push myself to actually succeed or do I just choose things I know I can do?
  • Do I ever really let people in my head or my heart?
  • By being so adamant about my southern roots, am I limiting my future?

I've started to wonder how my southernness plays into all this.

After 5 years of having my southernness scrutinized by friends (or "friends") I might as well be a one woman PR firm with the south as my sole client, but what impact does that have on my life and relationships?

I should probably be a member.

I love the south and I'm proud of my heritage, but occasionally a thought weighs in the back of my mind that maybe I only attribute credit for my good qualities to my southern roots because it's all I know to do.

Who am I if not a southern woman? At this point I almost can't define myself any other way.

Don't get me wrong. I love trailer parks, rednecks with jacked up trucks and mullets just as much as the next girl, but sometimes I want to know who I am outside of all that.

Bless my heart, I hope this personal journey doesn't involve any more pulled muscles - they hurt!

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