Sunday, May 8, 2011

The big secret

"Who would've thought we'd have a black son before we met a democrat?"
- Sean Touhy, The Blind Side

No, I'm not a democrat. And, sorry family, I'm also not a republican.

The big secret is that I'm not a registered voter - therefore, I choose no party.

I don't disagree with the confusion and disdain I face when I mention this fact - which I rarely do.

I recognize that I should vote. It's my right as an American.

And I recognize that as a southerner I am stereotypically expected to be a staunch republican.

Sorry friends... not going to happen.

Don't get me wrong, I like the way republicans handle military issues. Yes, that's the southerner in me.

But I also like the way democrats handle social issues. Yes, that's the... well I don't know where the hell that comes from.

I've reached a place of intense conflict within myself about political issues. But no matter how much research I do, I never feel like I understand political issues enough to make an educated choice.

So I don't.

And with that said, I also don't complain about political issues. By choosing not to vote I am giving up my chance to voice my opinion so I will not do so after the fact.

But here's a thought.

I'm expected to be republican because I'm southern, right?

Well, if you'll recall, southerners were religiously democratic until the middle of the 20th century thanks to Abraham Lincoln and, ironically enough, democratic southerner Lyndon Johnson.

And North Carolina went Democratic in 2008 for the first time since 1976.

But everyone seems to neglect those facts when politically stereotyping southerners.

Bless the hearts of every politically confused southerner, we're a strange breed.

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