Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feng Shui (a.k.a. Fung Shway)

I recently spent some time at a very special multi-million dollar home on Skidaway Island, Georgia.

I know what you're thinking, what multi-million dollar house isn't special? I know mine is. Oh wait...

Sorry, I digress. So what makes this house so special is that the owners, a Chinese couple, planned everything (even the foundation, which had to be re-done 3 times) according to the principles of feng shui.

Feng Shui Map

Again, I know what you're thinking, that stupid Fung Shway is a bunch of gibberish and can't possible work. I confess to you dear readers that I too was a non-believer... until I walked into this house.

As soon as I walked in I felt at peace. All the energy was in balance as was my chi. I hadn't even realized it wasn't.

The whole experience got me thinking about the South and all of its issues.

Maybe the South has bad feng shui and out of balance chi. I suggest we get specialists involved right away and save ourselves another 150 years or so of turmoil. Agreed?

Attitudes like this are how we got in this predicament.

Bless our hearts, if all it takes is a little re-arranging of energy to fix everything then that would just be... I just don't even know!

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