Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Deb Who? Debutante!

Let me clear one thing up. I was not a deb (debutante).

I am not tan. I cuss a lot. And if I'm going to get dolled up and wear a white dress I had better have more than an "escort" by my side.

Typical Debutante Ball Gown

As with most things I discuss on this blog, the debutante tradition is not just in the south. It's even done in London for Christ's Sake.

However, in the southern world, it's basically a requirement for all true, honest to God, southern belles to be a debutante.

Notice the southern tradition?

So, you might ask, what exactly is a debutante and why is it such a big deal?

Glad you asked! Traditionally, debutante balls, also known as cotillion balls or coming out parties, were used to show society that a young woman was eligible for marriage.

Nowadays they are used to present a girl of high social standing to society as "adults." And where I am from, you MUST be of high social standing and usually around 16-18 years old.

Get 'em while they're young guys!

The balls are usually elaborate affairs and can include junior debs (it's like a trial run for them) and even flower girls! It can be very bridezilla-esque.

Bridezilla? I think yes!

I know this all sounds very shallow, but there is an upside! In fact, there are two upsides.

1) The balls usually raise money for a charity of some sort. (See?  Not totally selfish!)

2) It's a tradition!  Who wouldn't want to put on a frilly dress and let everyone raise money for a charity just because a girl became a woman?

Oh, and as a fun fact most of you probably already knew, men are known as Beaus.

Sometimes I wish I had been a debutante (more on that later). But alas, in southern years* I am basically an old maid. Not exactly Debutante material anymore!

If you weren't a debutante but wish you would have been, bless your heart (and my own)!

*Southern years are similar to dog years in which southern women live their lives twice as quickly as women in other regions.  More on that later.

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