Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm from the mountains

So apparently there is a hurricane headed toward Savannah. Awesome.

It's looking like winds anywhere from 90-115mph and a category 2-3 hurricane by the time it graces the coastal empire with its presence. Awesome.

Clearly this hurricane does not read my blog, because if it did then it would know that I'm from the mountains, far away from oceans and hurricanes. Snow I can handle. Hurricanes are not my scene.

We've had one hurricane in recent memory - Hurricane Hugo back in the 80s. We're practically born again hurricane virgins. So don't do it Hurricane Irene, just take a moment to collect yourself and calm down.

Some news sources are comparing the impending storm to Hurricane Hugo. That is not a good sign. So I am spending my evening learning the ins and outs of hurricane etiquette.

Also, I have an obsession with furniture, so I will admit that I am most worried about damage to my beloved furniture and my car, which is my other pride and joy. I know it's selfish and materialistic, but I can't help it. I love my furniture and my car.

Bless the hearts of anyone in the path of this hurricane, I hope you're more well-versed in hurricane procedures than I am!

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