Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Depends on how you were raised

As I'm sure you're aware, yesterday was the Fourth of July and being the patriotic person that I am, I celebrated with a good ol' fashioned BBQ on the lake (more on that later).

At this particular BBQ there was a guy I met who was originally from up North and who was none to happy about being in the South. This of course caused me to make assumptions about him. And we all know what happens when people assume.

This guy turned out to be one of the most polite, well-mannered and genuine people I've ever met, which intrigued me. Later in the night I was talking to him about that fact and mentioned that he was already acting like a southern gentleman.

He looked at me and casually said, "It has nothing to do with the South. This was just how I was raised."


I of all people should never have made the assumption that regional influences had anything to do with how polite a person is or is not. I know plenty of rednecks who are just as rude as stereotypical Northerners.

This guy is right. Bless your heart, regional differences aside, at the end of the day how you are raised and the person you choose to be is what really matters.

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